These really baked up well, didn’t they – good color and texture? It’s just what you have to do – go outside.
I am sincerely hoping that the word “compromise” is no longer a dirty word in politics as of this morning – and so, I turn my sights to the kitchen:
I am feeling near giddy this morning, as I have my very own air card powering the internet on my computer. For the last week+ I have been using my husband’s computer and his air card during fleeting moments when he was not busy with work. Today, it’s Freedom, Freedom…… ala Richie Havens, circa 1969….. who remembers that from the Woodstock album? (some of you may think I may be having some LSD flashbacks from time to time – I can assure you, I am not. It is just my version of being totally steeped in the music of my teenage years. As I mentioned the other day, and for those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, I have a “thing” for certain music – Young Rascals, Lovin Spoonful, etc., etc…., but yes, again, Christin, I digress…… I just can’t help it – certain situations send song lyrics directly into my head.)
Day 9 and counting – no ovens “on” in the house, yet. Two newspapers are here this morning, we have gotten mail and I continue to await my friend, the UPS man. And so, as I start today, and while I would like to be one who would wait until things get totally back to normal before I cycle the “kitchen” part of Kitchen-Inspirational, I am now letting go and turning to the “Inspirational” part to try and get going.
On Saturday, I made the muffins, shown above, sort of on a lark, thinking that we’d get our power back any minute now. Well, here we are on Wednesday morning and nothing has changed and so, I guess, it is time to compromise and improvise, leaving all delusional thinking behind, and just see what we can come up with in the creativity department. On Monday I posted on Facebook and at the end of my post “ten great things you can make on the stove top”. One of these was Roman Chicken.
It is interesting that one’s mind can go on to new plans and one’s body can stay in wait in situations such as this. Basically, I have not cooked or baked anything in several days, except for some scrambled eggs for breakfast. I remain “in waiting” when I really don’t have to be. Why do I do that? I don’t know. I am thinking it must mean I am less of a compromiser than an improvisor, no?
So, today, I plan on getting out a pile of my Italian cookbooks and improvise – come up with my own version of Hunter-Style Chicken, or Roman Chicken – one of the items on my list from the other day. I have worked on this dish a number of times before, but have never been totally satisfied with it. My favorite version was gobbled down in the Trastiverde section of Rome for lunch, more than once, a few years back. So, it is off to the grocery store in a little while. I will report back on the results. I am using my copy of Culinaria Italy as a guide – the Pollo alla Potentina, page 385.
POLLO ALLA POTENTINA- courtesy of Culinaria Italy
1 chicken – 2 3/4 lbs
6-8 ripe tomatoes
2 tblsp butter
2 tblsp olive oil
1 onion, sliced
2/3 cup white wine
1 peperoncino, crushed
1 tblsp chopped basil
1 tblsp chopped parsley
1/2 cup pecorino cheese, crumbled
Wash and joint the chicken. Skin, seed and divide each tomato into eight. Heat the butter and oil in a skillet, add the onions, and then brown the chicken pieces on all sides. Add the white wine and sprinkle with the peperoncino. As soon as the wine has reduced, add the tomato pieces, basil, parsley and pecorino. Cover and leave to cook over a low heat for about 1 hour, adding water occasionally if necessary. Serve with sauted potatoes.
To all who have power and internet and life is going on as normal – have a lovely day. To all who don’t have any and remain ever hopeful – let’s just hope this next storm wizzes by and doesn’t do any further damage. And, maybe even some progress for those who have no power at all. Hope so.
BYW, I have said a sad farewell to most of my flowers in the yard here in NJ. I do still have some roses but my beloved morning glories are, alas, kaput, as are most else. I am sad that I won’t be running outside most mornings with the camera. I have some limited plants with Winter interest, but not too many – as I am in no way “interested” in Winter……. Joke’s on me though, I guess.
Hi Marianne–I tried to leave you a post the other day, but my air card failed me. Shrug! No internet or tv here, but very thankful for the whole house generator that David installed this summer. Our two outages in 2011 convinced him we needed it. With a bright warm house, we hosted relatives from Seaside and Toms River all week, along with many cold neighbors looking to pass the dark evenings in the company of others. Schools are still not in session in Westfield so I have been blessed with the company of my 16 year old daughter who loves to cook, and even more, bake. Last week started off with 4 lbs of rigatoni and our favorite homemade sauce with sausage and meatballs. We followed this with a big pot of lentil soup, pesto with basil from the garden and David’s baked tilapia with garlic and breadcrumbs. Our guests made roast chicken and eggplant parmigiana. Another pot of bean soup. Burgers and sweet potato fries were squeezed in there one night as well. The best was Leia’s fun with Dorie Greenspan’s baking bible. Devil’s Food Whiteout cake, Cinnamon cake with Bittersweet chocolate, and the mocha walnut marbled bundt. We need to get life back to normal or I will never fit in my clothes again!! Good luck, and here’s hoping we all get power soon. With the multitude of oaks down, entangled with wires, in my front yard, the prospects don’t look good!
Wow, I am so happy for you! Sounds like you are actually having some FUN there. Congrats!!!!!! I may come by soon!!!
Thank you so much for sharing! You have made my day!