A couple of weeks ago, Martha Stewart posted a question on Facebook, “What is your favorite thing about December?” My answer? “December 21 – days start getting longer.” Probably not the popular answer – like Christmas, snow, skiing, ice skating at Rockefeller Center, wearing your fur coat, coats, boots, gloves, scarves……(ugh, ugh, ugh… etc., etc). Everyone considers today the beginning of Winter, a day I would have to say I dread because there are now three entire months until the beginning of Spring. But, really, this is a good day for me because each additional minute of daylight which will accrue is a bonus minute for me, and makes me optimistic for the next. By President’s Day things are a whole lot brighter and feel different. So, as much as I adore Summer and Autumn, after June 21 the daylight dwindles and by August, those exquisitely long days of sunlight, especially at the Cape, when you can go to the beach after dinner and large groups gather at Rock Harbor to watch the sunsets each night and Christin used to go skim-boarding well after 8pm, are over. And, well, after daylight savings time when it is pitch black by 5pm, well, let’s not go on about that. So, today, I AM celebrating the Winter Solstice! Hooray!!!
Lots of projects going on this week. I did more baking, finally did my Christmas Cards and have finished (yes) my shopping. I am now going to burrow in and try to relax and do some fun cooking and baking – just for myself. I will let you in on recipes tomorrow. For now I am just going to have a nice dinner with my husband and celebrate the turning point in the seasons.
And, well, if the world does end before midnight (thank you, Mayans), it’s been nice knowing you all!