photos courtesy
photo courtesy
Now, here’s my idea of a Preview Party:
Crunchy, curly, a little earlier than the peas themselves and a little different than your earliest usual greens – ultimate Springtime freshness! I’m guessing I’m being a little bit optimistic in this subject matter today. But, oh well. All of these GREEN photos make me happy! I’m having my very own feasting of the eyes here!
Well, it’s a month till the Wearin O’ the Green, but I’m already in the “Cravin O’ the Green” category! (Aren’t you?) I remember years ago, when I mentioned the possibility of dining on fern fronds to my husband (and mentioned them in a poem I was writing) he, with great certainty, declared there was no such thing. We had this debate for awhile until I actually proved their legitimacy to him by showing him recipes. I’m willing to bet he won’t acknowledge the existence of pea tendrils in the culinary repertoire, either, even though he knows all about peas because he used to hide them in his napkin in his socks at his parent’s dinner table.
shot of our yard yesterday morning
Unless you have your very own greenhouse – and I do not – you have to go out searching for signs of green these days – at least where I live. I’m so craving the color Green – and waiting patiently to see if my Agapanthus in the kitchen pushes a bloom again in March like it did last year! (this had appeared last year by March 1 – I don’t know – it’s looking doubtful)
Because we have this blanket on the ground and it looks like we will have to have a heat wave in order to have it vanish from the landscape, it seems like it will take a long time until I see some natural green outside of the door. It’s days like this that I really do wish I had a greenhouse or at least access to one. We have the most beautiful one on the property at the end of our street – it’s not being used – and truth be told, I have coveted this since the day we moved here….. Heavy sigh…….. What I would have blooming in there……. Maybe it’s time for a visit to the NY Botanical Garden! I need a heavy dose of inhaling living plants – you know, that loamy, earthy, humid-y smell – of life???!
I found myself yesterday trying to figure out when the earliest date would be that I could plant something outside. I had a conversation with my contractor and friend, Bob and he said his wife was usually planting peas in the next couple of weeks. This stuck in my head and you know what happens when something sticks in my head…….
Truth be told, I have never planted peas – but because I do like peas and I am desperate for their bright and happy color, I got to thinking about pea tendrils. I think they appeal to me because they remind me of my beloved Morning Glories.
Can’t you just imagine some tender, fresh tasting, just picked from the garden, crunchy green tendrils?
Apparently, “the earliest and most comprehensive study of tendrils was Charles Darwin’s monograph “On the Movements and Habitats of Climbing Plants” circa 1865.(source Wikipedia) That Charles person was a busy guy, wasn’t he! I’m always amazed at people who seems to have a finger in such a wide variety of interests, like Jefferson, Edison, Einstein, Margaret Mead, Marie Curie, etc. – but I digress).
Anyway, you can use pea tendrils for a wide variety of applications – salads, sides, pestos, sauces and on and on. I may have to venture out to some asian markets to see if I can find some fresh ones. I will also look around for hydroponic sources – that is until, I can see them with my own eyes at the Farmer’s Market – or even in my garden!
Here is some background reading: (I notice they wrote this in April – that’s not a good sign for me)
Anyway, here is a little compendium of Recipes with Pea Tendrils:
my favorite idea this am: Tendril Eggs Benedict: poached eggs over a bed of pea tendrils with hollandaise 🙂 (no bread, maybe some meat but idk) – photos below from this link
Now to me, these are inspiring – aren’t they all beautiful???
and, for further down the line, Spring Peas:
Desperate is as Desperate Does: I’ve taken to photoing Anna Weatherley’s images on my tea set: Would actually love to see a live grasshopper right now!
yes, I know that these are sweet peas!
Just sayin: today is Feb 20 and then comes March 20!! Just saying!