Go ahead, you can call me odd.
There comes a time in a person’s life when they hopefully connect to their innermost passionate impulses and re-direct themselves to pursuing them with abandon. If you’re lucky, this happens in childhood when one is unspoiled by the later-developing, all-encompassing onslaught of responsibilities, obligations and all of that noise that begins with “I should”. If you are lucky enough to hold onto or recall that early thread of “wows” that you feel/felt as you’re doing something as inane as riding your bike just a little too fast down a hill and you’re hair is blowing in the wind and you feel that sense of excitement and freedom, well this a clue to that happy-place to seek.
Recently, a friend asked me to consider speaking at a forum where stay-at-home Moms look to re-invent themselves in pursuit of having an intellectually and emotionally-vital life after their kids have moved out of the house. This request became a pause for reflection. Turning sixty has been a time when all things have turned and re-focused, at least for me – as this is when my last child graduated from college and moved out of the house. I found two things amazing. The first was how much my kids had enveloped my life – not a bad thing, mind you – just scary afterwards. The second most-fascinating element of my list below, is that 9 out of the 10 cost next-to-nothing and yet provide the biggest return on investment.
Scenes from a most-happy visit to Melick’s Town Farm in Tewksbury and Califon yesterday:
These days, I find the simplest, if not silliest of things to tickle my fancy. Here is my today’s top ten a la David Letterman. What’s yours? No judging! This is all about “personal fun”.
1. the opening of a single new blossom into perfect form and glorious color and catching it in my lens
2. Beautiful cloud formations
3. Precious animals that surprise you and respond to their name (like Winston, as shown above)
4. Gazing upon the incredible period art from the Renaissance
5. the instantaneous and total refreshment of Cool Crisp Air
6. The miracle of seeing the fruits of farmers’ labors
7.Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds
8. Bluebirds and Bears in my backyard
9. The exhilaration of stepping off a plane in Italy
10. The anticipation of pulling a baking sheet out of the oven
This seems to me to be potentially-great fodder for limitless, timeless excursions.
Thought for the day: Life is short. Have Fun!
Love this post, Marianne! We have a Winston in my family, though he is a corgi. I couldn’t agree more with your list of ten above!