Limes figure into high Summer in so many ways……. Find yourself drinking mostly iced-tea these days? I find a nice slice of lime and a sprig of mint added to a large glass of iced black tea is especially reinvigorating. If like me, just as the sun begins to relinquish its hold on the day, you're also yearning for a little tidbit to go with your tea, see below. You're sitting on the patio, terrace or at the pool and the question becomes, … [Read more...]
Scenes from a Summer Garden – My Life in Pictures
Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? with silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row…….. English Nursery Rhyme circa 1744 reminiscent of the french horn, my favorite brass instrument I spent a little time capturing the mid-summer garden this morning: the ultimate in rudeness Pollen Count, Deep Throat (post Watergate version) plus … [Read more...]
Think Pink
Right now I'm running at a huge pink deficit in the garden, particularly in the Rose Department. Pink is my go-to color always, but particularly in the Winter. I find it brings me a big pick-me-up. While I am also infatuated with blues and purples in the landscape, because of their rarity and especially this year, pink tends to be my all-time favorite. The range of shades is really amazing. I adore them all. What do color infatuations say … [Read more...]
Summer Solstice on Steroids; Seared Sea Scallops and on becoming the Vicious Deadheader
in loving memory of my wonderful Mom who would have been 93 today I'm a little disturbed about the pace of things in the garden this year. The peony season lasted all of about 2 weeks and is but a memory now, roses were right on top of them, and now I have large numbers of Endless Summer Blossoms coming along like crazy. Not that I'm complaining about that, but jeez, slow down a little. Becky Daisies and Phlox are pushing right along. … [Read more...]
Obsédé – Roses – The Just-In-Case Inventory; Shades, Tones, Angles
If a word doesn't appear in the dictionary, does that mean it doesn't exist? Like the word "obsessant" - as in a person who is obsessed. I can't take my eyes off of my roses these past couple of days…….. We all know about Just-in-Time inventory, from Accounting 101. Well, today, for posterity's sake, I am making a Just-In-Case Inventory. These are just in case they aren't as gorgeous tomorrow or again this Summer. And yes, about two … [Read more...]
A Most Spectacular Day, Sally Mann; No Further Words Necessary
This is a day to live for, a day to dream of, a day to savor. Today, I imagine I feel a little like Sally Mann. No, really. Well, of course I don't know how she feels at all, I just know what she said and how I interpreted it. Any one who missed her latest interview with Charlie Rose, should consider taking an hour to view it. I found her fascinating. For those of you who feel as I do and just want to indulge in the beauty of this … [Read more...]
Hanging onto Dear Life, A Sad Pruning of Hydrangea, and the Saving Grace of Ovens
photo courtesy Wait, shouldn't I be writing a Turkey post? This is a story of complete and total idiocy. It is one that I sadly repeat year after year - and somehow I can't help myself from doing it. As I write this admittance, I re-confirm the complete and total folly in my ways - and the identification with the idiom that a person who repeats his mistakes is indeed ignorant. However, at this age there is some … [Read more...]
Guilty of Self-Deception – Gift of Light and Shadow
Yes, I'm guilty. I admit it. I am guilty of self-dissuasion, delusion and deception. (We had a "discussion" this morning on the patio about whether or not you could put a "self" in front of any word you so desired, even if it wasn't commonly used.) I use the presentations in my yard and elsewhere to deliberately deceive myself, if only for a moment, that life in the world is beautiful, serene and affirming and to snap-shut the pictures of all … [Read more...]
All is Calm, All is Bright, Except………..
one clear picture: dried, dead, frigid, reluctant sun I am officially in post-Christmas mode now. I am over all the little anxieties about getting everything ready in time, hoping everyone is happy with their day, presents and the food. Yesterday was a day of re-grouping for me - cleaning up the house mostly. Things look neater now. That's good. So, all is calm, all is bright..... and I just heard the most glorious bird outside singing … [Read more...]
An Autumnal Odyssey – Sun and Frost on October 26
much before sunrise and the frost line is barely visible: affirmation of Autumnal beauty: the barely evident later remnants of frost: the eternal optimists: my last Lillian Austin in all her glory - I actually believe this bloom closed itself in the cold of the night: and, a slightly different venue on a … [Read more...]