Someone asked me recently for recommendations for an upcoming trip to Santa Barbara. I am always hesitant to put out recommendations, not only because I believe choices are so dependent on personal interests, budget and palate, but because, like Paris about which I have been asked as well, I don't consider myself to be anywhere close to an expert. I am merely a product of my own whims, wanderings, predilections and obsessions, and happily so. … [Read more...]
In Search of: Trouble-Free Farming
yesterday's perfect beauties at the Montecito Farmer's Market as I posted yesterday, this is what a fresh-picked, organically grown, local strawberry looks like - it's not white and hard in the center - it's juicy, fragrant and sweet! Are the terms trouble-free and farming oxymorons? Inquiring minds want to know............ I'm feeling a little bit soppy here and now - especially after spending the last 10 days … [Read more...]