There - that's better - a shot outside my kitchen door this morning! Big difference from yesterday! One of my favorite plants of Spring is the bearded iris. I think of them as delicate yet regal. When I was young, my Dad admired them too and he kept them in our yard in a range of shades of lavender/lilac/violet. He really focused on vegetable gardening and the design of the garden as opposed to flower gardens, per se. I do … [Read more...]
When life gives you…Meyer Lemons
I love the fragrance of Meyer Lemons. They strike me as kind of "tangeriny" if you will. In the wine world I believe you'd say "notes of tangerine". So, whenever I see a recipe which features them, I focus in. A couple of weeks ago I found a recipe on a site called "Foodness Gracious" for Meyer Lemon-Blackberry Scones. I immediately saved it and waited for a moment to try them. I am also a big fan of blackberries. I like their size, think … [Read more...]
Orange-Apricot Scones Recipe
Adapted from Jocelyn's Orange-Currant Scones in Morning Food by Margaret S. Fox 2 1/2 - 3 cups all purpose flour, plus extra for kneading* 4 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, plus extra for sprinkling 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup cold, unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 2 large eggs 1/2 cup heavy cream grated zest of 1 1/2 oranges 1/2 teaspoon orange extract 1/2 cup dried apricots, … [Read more...]
Orange-Apricot Scones
I am a great fan of breakfast cooking and baking. Perhaps it is because my most abundant motivation occurs early in the day. There's something very cozy about baking in a quiet kitchen very early in the morning: measuring, mixing, forming, and having the giddy pleasure of sliding a tray into the oven in one physical form and then sliding it out in a completely other physical form. There is always substantive anticipation - how will this rise, … [Read more...]